The Green Business Handbook
The Green Business Handbook

Publisher: InfoPro Center for Economic Information
Author: InfoPro
Year: 2012
Price: $7

Executive summary:
A Lebanon-centric manager’s definitive resource for going green in a profitable manner, the Green Business Handbook explains how every business can make simple changes that save costs and natural resources. It targets local company managers and decision-makers, providing them with practical options to go green on various levels, enhance their corporate image and develop a new organizational culture. It includes lists, tables, pictures, and descriptions of some of the main active green NGOs. The book includes a rich directory of more than 200 local suppliers, consultants, developers, manufacturers, partners and achievers active in the field of green business.

Socio Economic Challenges
التحديات الإقتصادية والإجتماعية

Publisher: InfoPro Center for Economic Information
Author: InfoPro
Year: 2011
Price: $10

Executive summary:
Overview of the positions of the private sector, labor unions, and the public on a number of socio economic issues including the minimum wage, taxation, fiscal and monetary policy, the, debt, education, health, environment, rental law, and other contentious matters.

Technical Barriers to Trade
Technical Barriers to Trade

Publisher: InfoPro Center for Economic Information
Author: InfoPro
Funding: Unido, InfoPro
Sponsor: MACLE program
Year: 2009
Price: $10

Executive summary:
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) have a direct implication on the exports of the food manufacturing industry. An initial study was carried out in 2004 and updated in 2008 to assess the effects of TBTs and determine the changes that have taken place, and simultaneously identify the main challenges. The study also looks into manufacturing practices, packaging and labeling, and future outlook of businesses and presents recommendations for both the public and private sector on how to address policy and technical issues that will eventually limit export constraints faced by the sector.

Economic Impact of the July 06 war and steps towards recovery
Economic Impact of the July 06 war and steps towards recovery

Publisher: InfoPro Center for Economic Information
Author: InfoPro
Funding: Amideast, InfoPro
Sponsor: The Ministry of Finance
Year: 2006
Price: $20

Executive summary:
The July 2006 War dealt a severe blow to Lebanon's fragile economy, just as it was recovering from a year-long slump. The war delayed plans for reform and caused major losses to the economy. It affected every aspect of the country's economy and the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of citizens. The war resulted in a severe shock to Lebanon's monetary and fiscal situation, and it brought about a loss of investor confidence. The repercussions of the war are likely to be felt for a long time to come....

Impact of the Euro Appreciation on the Lebanese Economy
Impact of the Euro Appreciation on the Lebanese Economy

Publisher: InfoPro Center for Economic Information
Author: InfoPro, UNDP unit at the Ministry of Finance (Roula Rizk)
Funding: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Year: 2005
Price: $7

Executive summary:
The euro currency was introduced in January 1999 at an exchange rate of 1.167 to the US dollar. It started its appreciation vis-a-vis the USD in December 2002 to reach 1.256 per USD by the end of 2003, the period under consideration in this study. ...

The fall of emerging markets: Fundamental analysis and lessons for Lebanon
The fall of emerging markets: Fundamental analysis and lessons for Lebanon

Publisher: InfoPro Center for Economic Information
Author: Dr Marwan Barakat
Year: 2004
Price: $20

Executive summary:
Over recent decades, there has been an increased incidence of financial crises around the world. In just the past twenty years, more than two-thirds of emerging countries have experienced one or more financial crises. Many have had severe economic consequences in terms of lost output and employment and even a return to poverty in some cases. These developments have given increased impetus to the search for solutions and to learning from recent experiences. In each of the affected countries, policymakers faced the dual challenge of managing the crisis while also developing institutional reforms to create a more stable financial system. In some cases, they were particularly successful. In others, however, the adopted reforms were a complete failure due either to bad understanding of the crises or to inappropriate policy responses. ...

The Impact of the Euro-med Agreement on Lebanese Companies
The Impact of the Euro-med Agreement on Lebanese Companies

Publisher: InfoPro Center for Economic Information
Author: InfoPro, AUB (Dr. Kamel Abdallah)
Funding: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Year: 2003
Price: $7

Executive summary:
Lebanon signed the Euro-Med agreement in June 2002. The agreement transcends traditional trade agreements to include peace, stability, democracy, and mutual understanding. Within 12 years, Lebanon and the European Union (EU) will enjoy the benefits of free trade, with Lebanon having a five-year grace period and receiving technical assistance to support the implementation of the agreement...