InfoPro was established in 1997. InfoPro stands for Information Provider.
InfoPro has established three activities:
A leading market and economic research firm
An international quality publishing house of print and online business titles
A networking platform for the business community
InfoPro has earned a reputation for dependable information, ethical business practice, and of being a good corporate citizen.
InfoPro has more than 50 full-time employees and part-time staff. It collaborates with dozens of experts and consultants on a project-basis. It delivers numerous publications and information services. The company is specialized in field and desk research, business matchmaking, content generation, advertising, subscription and book sales, digital products, and event organization. It has won the trust of hundreds of research clients, more than 1,000 advertisers, more than 10,000 subscribers, and tens of thousands of readers.
The company has established InfoPro Research, a market research division. It is a prime research contractor to the World Bank and several UN organizations, international and local NGOs, and donor organizations. It is a leading provider of research to large and medium size companies in Lebanon, including banking, insurance, FMCG, construction, and technologies.
InfoPro's debut came with the publishing of Lebanon Opportunities, which has become the country's leading business magazine. The success of Lebanon Opportunities was followed by the publishing of several information-based magazines and reference books. In print, the company also publishes Properties Gallery, the Green Business handbook, the Entrepreneur Handbook, and other publications. Online, it is the publisher of,,, and several other websites.
The company has established the InfoPro Center for Economic Information, an NGO which publishes economic and business data and information, undertakes studies, and provides support to the public sector, other local NGOs, and the public at large.